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Waiting List Requests

- Joining the waiting list -

Join our waiting list in advance to secure your pick of your new FurEver Friend.


Joining our waiting list for your new FurEver Friend is the easiest way to secure a spot for your puppy of choice from the litter/parents you prefer.


The waiting list will be gathered on a first come, first serve basis. Be sure to get on the waiting list as soon as you are sure of the parents that you prefer. Each litter is of different sizes, so there is no way we can guarantee you will get your litter pick on the upcoming round of puppies.


Visit our "Home" page for information about the parents along with their AKC & OFA documentation to help you decide on the parents you prefer.  


Once we have received your completed form, we will reach out with any questions as well as updates to the status of your request and the progress of pregnancy / labor & delivery.


Approved waiting list requests will receive priority picks when the litter is born in the order that each request was received. You will be notified of your position in line upon approval.

Waiting List

Please fill out all of the information and we will get back to you very soon.

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